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Comic Corner: Morning Glories, Issue 3 Review

Morning Glories has a habit of following up a cliffhanger with something so wild that you don’t even remember what the cliffhanger was. Think about how other forms of media return after a “to be continued.” Most pick up the story right where it left off, and finish that plot fairly quickly. Consider many of … Continue reading

The Shield Title Card

Binge-watching the Shield: Why It’s Better that Way

Over the past week, there have been a few posts in the TV blogosphere on binge-watching TV. Some against (strongly against), and some in favour, or at least not opposed. Jim Pagels at Slate, arguing against binge-watching, posits these arguments: 1. Episodes have their own integrity, which is blurred by watching several in a row. … Continue reading

Comic Corner: Morning Glories Issue 2 Review

Continuing on with my series of Morning Glories, we arrive at Issue #2, which features one of the more memorable covers and scenes, as well as introductions, hints, and foreshadowing for a number of different plotlines and flashbacks that appear later on. Full review after the break.


Comic Corner: Morning Glories Issue 1 Review, Part 2

I ended my review of part 1 with our heroes being drugged on the way to Morning Glory Academy (MGA). So let’s pick up, appropriately, when they’re waking up from the drive to their new school/prison/hell.

Comic Corner: Morning Glories Issue 1 Review, Part 1

I came to Morning Glories (MG) a bit late. But I loved every issue I read. So I wanted to spend a little more time on the series, and what better way to do so than to review each issue. Starting with number 1.

Comic Corner: Morning Glories Review

I read a review of issue 16, the most recent issue, of a comic series called Morning Glories that I’d never heard of before on Sunday night. Well, I didn’t read the whole review. I got about halfway through, was spoiled on a few minor points, and stopped reading. I stopped reading not because I … Continue reading

I wanted to freeze Erica saying "Shazam!" after taking Julianne to her apartment, but that was impossible.

Review(s): Being Erica, Episodes 6, 7, 8

I’ve been busy lately, so I fell behind on my Being Erica reviews. Apologies, readers. Instead of writing each one up individually, I want to talk about these as a group of episodes that have really responded to my problems with this season. They’ve all explored the mythology of the doctors and how Erica’s journey … Continue reading

Interview: The creator of APT, Kevin Scott

Today, something different! Kevin Scott, a friend of mine, made his own TV show called APT. It’s a sitcom about three roommates and their apartment. It’s available on YouTube, and for Toronto residents, Rogers TV. He graciously allowed me to interview him about his show. We talk about the creation of the show, decisions made … Continue reading

What is this "party" I am apparently attending?

Review: Being Erica, Season 4, Episode 5: Sins of the Father

Well, I got what I asked for. Last week I talked about how this season of Being Erica was overly light-hearted and filled with happy endings. This week was another Dr. Tom backstory episode, as well as giving a bit more info on Dr. Naadiah, both of which were welcome. More after the break.

Nathan Fillion: Action Sports Reporter!

Review: Husbands Season 1

I don’t really like web series. I think the medium, overall, is inferior to 20- or 40-minute blocks of television. 2-10 minute segments are extremely short, and unless it’s a show going solely for laughs, such as NTSF:SD:SUV::, I just don’t think web series can be as involving as more traditional TV shows. So that’s … Continue reading